Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Assembly Source File
436 lines
** A500/600/1000/1200/2000/3000/4000
** Kick 1.2,1.3 / OS 2.x/3.x
** 68000/010/020/030/040
** Coded by Frank Wille 1994
** using PhxAss 4
** Link with: PhxLnk prog.o DemoSupp.o
** 10.12.94 demoStartup, demoCleanUp, demoIntVec (created)
** 12.12.94 Switched to __MERGED-SmallData
** 20.12.94 demoStdView, demoBplPtrs (created)
** 22.12.94 demoColors (created), code optimizations in demoStdView
; Exported Symbols:
; _SysBase Pointer to ExecBase structure
; _GfxBase Pointer to GfxBase structure
; PALflag true: System is in PAL mode
; AAflag true: AGA chips are available
; Exported Functions:
; demoStartup
; in: -
; out: Z-Flag = Error! Jump to demoCleanup immediately!
; a4 = Small Data Base
; a6 = CUSTOM
; All other registers are in random state!!!
; Small Data initialization. Disable Data Cache. Enable CLI or Workbench
; start. Determine VBR, PAL/NTSC mode, Gfx-chips. Save system state.
; Allocate Blitter. Turn off all interrupts and DMA channels. Disable
; AGA/ECS features. Save interrupt autovectors.
; demoCleanup
; in: -
; out: d0 = 0 (for return to CLI - no error)
; All other registers are in random state!!!
; Restores anything which has changed during the demo. Then, the program
; may return to CLI or WB without any danger.
; demoIntVec
; in: d0.w = Number of interrupt level vector to change (1-6)
; a0 = Pointer to interrupt routine (terminated by 'rte')
; (CAUTION: The 'rte' should be preceded by a 'nop',
; because of the 68040's instruction pipeline)
; out: -
; Set interrupt autovector.
; demoStdView
; in: d0.w = Display width in pixels (should be word-aligned)
; d1.w = Display height in lines
; d2.w = Horizontal start position (std.= $81)
; d3.w = Vertical start position (std.= $29)
; d4.w = Depth
; Bits 2-0 = Number of bitplanes (1-5)
; Bit 3 = Interleaved Mode (fast blits)
; a0 = Actual copper list pointer
; a1 = Display memory pointer
; out: a0 = New copper list pointer
; All registers, with the exception of a0, d0 and d1 will be saved
; All necessary copper instructions for defining a display of the pre-
; fered dimensions will be appended to the specified copper list.
; If Width exceeds 384, the HIRES mode will be activated. If Height
; exceeds 288 the LACE mode will be activated. Additionally to BPLxPT
; the following registers are initialized by these copper instructions:
; BPLCON1 and BPLCON2 were already initialized in demoStartup.
; demoBplPtrs
; in: a0 = Actual copper list pointer
; a1 = Display memory pointer
; d0.w = Depth (1-5)
; d1 = Plane offset (mode-dependant, e.g. LACE or Interleaved)
; out: a0 = New copper list pointer
; All registers but a0 will be saved!
; Append copper instructions for bitplane pointer initialization. This
; routine will be also called by demoStdView.
; demoColors
; in: a0 = Actual copper list pointer
; a1 = Color table (RGB4 UWORDs)
; d0.w = Number of colors in table (always beginning with COLOR00)
; out: a0 = New copper list pointer
; Transfer colors from a UWORD-table directly to copper list.
incdir "include"
** You should also define an include path for your Commodore **
** includes or make use of the PHXASSINC environment variable **
include "lib/exec.i"
include "lib/graphics.i"
include "exec/execbase.i"
include "exec/libraries.i"
include "dos/dosextens.i"
include "graphics/gfxbase.i"
include "hardware/dmabits.i"
include "hardware/intbits.i"
include "hardware/custom_all.i"
IFND lib_Version
lib_Version equ LIB_VERSION
near a4,-2 ; Small Data __MERGED
xref _DATA_BAS_ ; symbols will be supplied by PhxLnk
xref _DATA_LEN_
xref _BSS_LEN_
xdef demoStartup
; -> a4 = Small Data Base
; -> a6 = CUSTOM
move.l ExecBase.w,a6
lea _DATA_BAS_,a0
lea 32766(a0),a4 ; a4 SmallData Base
cmp.w #36,lib_Version(a6) ; OS2.0+ available?
bhs.s 2$
add.l #_DATA_LEN_,a0
move.l #_BSS_LEN_,d0
1$: clr.l (a0)+ ; Initialize BSS area (for Kick 1.x)
subq.l #4,d0
bhi.s 1$
bra.s 3$
2$: move.l #$100,d2
moveq #0,d0
move.l d2,d1
jsr CacheControl(a6) ; disable Data Cache
and.l d2,d0
move.l d0,oldCache(a4)
3$: move.l a6,_SysBase(a4)
move.l ThisTask(a6),a2 ; pointer to actual process structure
move.l pr_CLI(a2),d0
bne.s 5$ ; Workbench start?
4$: lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0
jsr WaitPort(a6) ; get WBStartupMsg
lea pr_MsgPort(a2),a0
jsr GetMsg(a6)
move.l d0,wbStartupMsg(a4)
beq.s 4$
5$: sub.l a0,a0
btst #AFB_68010,AttnFlags+1(a6)
beq.s 6$
lea get_VBR(pc),a5
jsr Supervisor(a6) ; read and save VBR (68010+)
6$: move.l a0,VBReg(a4)
lea $64(a0),a0
lea autoVecs(a4),a1 ; save Interrupt Autovectors
moveq #6-1,d0
7$: move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,7$
lea GfxName(pc),a1
moveq #33,d0
jsr OpenLibrary(a6) ; open graphics.library
move.l d0,_GfxBase(a4)
beq 99$ ; error?
move.l d0,a6
move.l gb_ActiView(a6),ActiView(a4)
sub.l a1,a1
jsr LoadView(a6) ; LoadView(NULL)
jsr WaitTOF(a6)
jsr WaitTOF(a6)
jsr OwnBlitter(a6) ; allocate Blitter
jsr WaitBlit(a6)
moveq #0,d2 ; d2 BEAMCON0 (init PAL or NTSC)
btst #PALn,gb_DisplayFlags+1(a6)
beq.s 8$ ; PAL?
st PALflag(a4)
moveq #$20,d2
8$: moveq #%1100,d0
and.b gb_ChipRevBits0(a6),d0
sne AAflag(a4) ; AGA available?
lea CUSTOM,a6
move.w DMACONR(a6),d0 ; save DMACON and INTENA states
or.w #DMAF_SETCLR,d0
move.w d0,oldDMACON(a4)
move.w INTENAR(a6),d0
move.w d0,oldINTENA(a4)
movem.l dmaintInit(pc),d0-d1 ; turn off DMA channels, CLXCON=0
movem.l d0-d1,DMACON(a6) ; disable interrupts, clear INTREQ
move.w d2,BEAMCON0(a6) ; *** disable AGA / ECS features ***
lea bplconInit(pc),a0
lea BPLCON0(a6),a1 ; init BPLCON0..4, BPL1MOD, BPL2MOD
moveq #7-1,d0
9$: move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,9$
lea SPR0POS(a6),a0 ; clear all sprites
moveq #16-1,d1
moveq #0,d0
10$: move.l d0,(a0)+
dbf d1,10$
move.w d0,FMODE(a6) ; OCS fetch mode
moveq #-1,d0
99$: rts
machine 68010
movec VBR,a0
machine 68000
bplconInit: ; init values for BPLCON0..4, BPL1/2MOD
dc.w $0000,$0000,$0024,$0c00,$0000,$0000,$0011
dc.w $1fff,$0000,$7fff,$7fff
dc.b "graphics.library",0
xdef demoCleanup
move.l _GfxBase(a4),d0
beq 3$
move.l d0,a6
jsr WaitBlit(a6)
lea CUSTOM,a5
movem.l dmaintInit(pc),d0-d1 ; turn off DMA channels, CLXCON=0
movem.l d0-d1,DMACON(a5) ; disable interrupts, clear INTREQ
moveq #0,d0 ; zero audio volumes
move.w d0,AUD0VOL(a5)
move.w d0,AUD1VOL(a5)
move.w d0,AUD2VOL(a5)
move.w d0,AUD3VOL(a5)
lea autoVecs(a4),a0
move.l VBReg(a4),a1
lea $64(a1),a1
moveq #6-1,d0
4$: move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; restore interrupt autovectors
dbf d0,4$
move.w oldDMACON(a4),DMACON(a5) ; reactivate DMA channels and interrupts
move.w oldINTENA(a4),INTENA(a5)
bclr #1,$bfe001 ; turn on LED/filter
move.l ActiView(a4),a1
jsr LoadView(a6) ; restore system View
jsr DisownBlitter(a6) ; free Blitter
move.l gb_copinit(a6),COP1LC(a5) ; restart system copper lists
move.l a6,a1
move.l _SysBase(a4),a6
jsr CloseLibrary(a6) ; close graphics.library
3$: move.l _SysBase(a4),a6
cmp.w #36,lib_Version(a6)
blo.s 2$ ; OS2.0+ available?
moveq #-1,d0
move.l oldCache(a4),d1
jsr CacheControl(a6) ; enable Data Cache (if required)
2$: move.l wbStartupMsg(a4),d0 ; WB start? Reply WB message
beq.s 1$
move.l d0,a1
jsr Forbid(a6)
jsr ReplyMsg(a6)
1$: moveq #0,d0 ; Finished, return to CLI or Workbench
xdef demoIntVec
cnop 0,4
; d0 = Interrupt Level (1-6)
; a0 = Pointer to interrupt routine
move.l VBReg(a4),a1
add.w d0,d0
add.w d0,d0
move.l a0,$60(a1,d0.w) ; set interrupt autovector
xdef demoStdView
cnop 0,4
; d0 = Width.w, d1 = Height.w
; d2 = HStart.w, d3 = VStart.w
; d4 = Depth.w (Bit 3 = Interleaved)
; a0 = Copper List
; a1 = Display Memory
; -> a0 = new Copper List
movem.l d2-d7,-(sp)
move.w #$0200,d6 ; d6 BPLCON0 Display Mode
moveq #0,d7 ; d7 Std Modulo
move.w d0,d5
lsr.w #3,d5 ; d5 calculate bitplane offset
cmp.w #384,d0
blo.s 1$ ; Width >= 384 -> HIRES
lsr.w #1,d0 ; convert to LoRes-width
or.w #$8000,d6
1$: cmp.w #288,d1
blo.s 2$ ; Height >= 288 -> LACE
lsr.w #1,d1
addq.w #4,d6
move.w d5,d7 ; d7 set Lace Modulo
bclr #3,d4 ; Lace-Interleaved?
beq.s 4$
mulu d4,d7
add.l d7,d7
bra.s 3$
2$: bclr #3,d4 ; Interleaved?
beq.s 4$
move.w d5,d7 ; d7 set Interleaved Modulo
mulu d4,d7
3$: ext.l d5
sub.l d5,d7
bra.s 5$
7$: move.w d3,d7
lsl.w #8,d7
move.b d2,d7
6$: move.w d0,(a0)+
move.w d7,(a0)+
addq.w #2,d0
4$: mulu d1,d5
5$: exg d4,d0
exg d5,d1
bsr.s demoBplPtrs ; initialize bitplane pointers
ror.w #4,d0
or.w d0,d6 ; d6 BPLCON0 ready
move.w #BPL1MOD,d0
bsr.s 6$ ; initialize modulos
bsr.s 6$
move.w #DIWSTRT,d0
bsr.s 7$ ; init DIWSTRT
move.w d2,d1
add.w d4,d2
add.w d5,d3
bsr.s 7$ ; init DIWSTOP
moveq #8,d7
tst.w d6 ; HIRES?
bpl.s 8$
moveq #4,d7
8$: lsr.w #1,d1 ; init DDFSTRT
sub.w d7,d1
neg.w d7
and.w d1,d7
bsr.s 6$
lsr.w #1,d4 ; init DFFSTOP
subq.w #8,d4
add.w d4,d7
bsr.s 6$
move.w #BPLCON0,(a0)+ ; set BPLCON0 (DispMode, Planes)
move.w d6,(a0)+
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7
xdef demoBplPtrs
cnop 0,4
; d0 = Depth.w
; a0 = Copper List
; a1 = Display Memory
; d1 = Plane Offset
; -> d0, d1, a1 will be saved!
; -> a0 = new Copper List
movem.l d0-d3,-(sp)
subq.w #1,d0
move.l a1,d3
move.w #BPL1PT,d2
1$: bsr.s 2$
bsr.s 2$
add.l d1,d3
dbf d0,1$
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3
2$: swap d3
move.w d2,(a0)+
move.w d3,(a0)+
addq.w #2,d2
xdef demoColors
cnop 0,4
; d0 = NumColors.w
; a0 = Copper List
; a1 = Color Table
; -> a0 = new Copper List
subq.w #1,d0
move.w #COLOR00,d1
1$: move.w d1,(a0)+
move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
addq.w #2,d1
dbf d0,1$
section "__MERGED",bss
xdef _SysBase,_GfxBase,PALflag,AAflag
_SysBase: ds.l 1
_GfxBase: ds.l 1
oldCache: ds.l 1
wbStartupMsg: ds.l 1
VBReg: ds.l 1
ActiView: ds.l 1
oldDMACON: ds.w 1
oldINTENA: ds.w 1
autoVecs: ds.l 6
PALflag: ds.b 1
AAflag: ds.b 1